Zone of genius is not just another buzz phrase in the world of entrepreneurship. It’s what you need to figure out to make sure your showing up in your absolute best for your clients. 

Diane Mayor, Business Strategist and Podcast Host of Coffee and Converse, breaks down what it means to operate in your zone of genius in your business and what you can do to achieve it.

Read on for more information about your zone of genius.

What Does Zone of Genius Mean?

Your zone of genius is your unique power. It’s what you are naturally talented at. It’s the quality that allows you to do certain things better than almost anyone else. To break that down even further, think about the experience and skills you’ve developed since you finished school. The longer you’ve been out of school, the more skills you’ve accumulated. You’re capable of doing everything you’ve learned in  your jobs or your business. However, the real magic comes when you do the thing that you are the most gifted at.


How Do You Know When You're Operating in Your Zone of Genius?

The difference between doing what you’re naturally talented at versus operating in your strengths and doing things you’re capable of doing is how you feel. Because  you’ve got so incredibly skilled at something, you start to think that that’s your zone of genius and you build our whole business around that. One day you look up and have this super successful business, but you’re feeling drained and burned out. It’s because you’re not operating in your zone of genius.

However, if you built your business around something you’re naturally good at, you feel pumped to go to work, you’re excited to do the stuff, and you’re excited to do it again the next day. You’re in that flow moment where you forget to eat, you forget to go to the bathroom and you forget all the things. That’s what you’re looking for.

Steps You Can Take to Operate in Your Zone of Genius

Look for Ways to Maximize Time Spent in Your Zone of Genius

Tweaking how you sell or deliver something in your offer, can help you spend more time in your zone of genius. Some of that could look like, delegation or automation so everything’s not on your plate. Maybe you do need  a revamp for the long term plan. 

Understand Your Personality Type

Personality assessments are important to help understand how you operate. But you can’t take the assessment and then suddenly everything changes. You have to understand what it’s telling you and what specifically it relates to. Each of the assessments look at different things, and you need to understand what the guidance is trying to tell you about yourself, and then how does that apply within your business? Yes, it will have implications in your personal life as well, but how does that work in your business? And then how to spot, potentially, other people’s personalities.

People think a personality assessment is a magic key –  if you just know your profile, everything will be easy and amazing. But it’s not that simple. You have to actually do the work to understand yourself. You have to pay attention to when you are in that moment and when you’re out of that moment so that you start to notice it.

About Diane

Diane’s a business strategist who helps coaches, consultants, and service providers use their superpower to hit their money and lifestyle goals without burning out.

With a decade of experience in corporate, Diane knows exactly how to take small businesses from decision fatigue and information overwhelm to confidently taking the right action in the right way with the right people for their business.

As the host of the Coffee and Converse Podcast, she shares success strategies for entrepreneurs each week.

In her spare time, this spreadsheet crazy, puzzle-solving, systems nerd is passionate about travel, live events, coffee, and Converse. though not always in that order.

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