It’s not too late to start pitching podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to build publicity for your business.

Christina Lenkowski, owner and founder of Publicity by Christina, imparts her wisdom about why you should be pitching podcasts and provides tips about how you can pitch yourself.

Read on for more information about pitching podcasts.

Why You Should Be Pitching Podcasts

Even though it feels like podcasts have blown up and there’s no way to get on the shows you want, it’s not too late to pitch yourself for podcasts. Podcasts are still growing like crazy. Yes, podcasts exploded during covid but people are still listening to them. The hosts that you love are still accepting cold pitches. So don’t be afraid to get out there and do it.


Tips for Pitching Podcasts

Embracing the Nos

Pitching podcasts can be scary. You’re putting yourself out there, and there’s the fear of rejection. But there are so many reasons why you might not hear back from a podcast. It’s important to know that you will get a lot of no, so just be prepared for it. But you’ll also get yeses. And that’s what you need to kind of take into consideration.

Even if it’s a no or a not right now, those responses are feedback for you. This is your opportunity to follow up. Find out when, then you should be following up with them to see when it might be a good time to pitch. 


Personalize Your Pitches

Before pitching, you should research the show and personalize your pitch. If you’re spraying and praying –  meaning you sending out 100 pitches that literally are not personalized at all – likely, you’re not getting the yeses you want. However, if you focus on targeting fewer podcasts that are of higher caliber makes it easier to personalize the pitch. But also, these higher caliber shows will be the ones that are actually full of more people that are listening to.

You Need to Put Yourself Out There

If you want your business to grow, you have to put yourself out there. People have to find you – this can be through different types of marketing. Publicity is one of the ways that people can find you. Pitching podcasts provides publicity and helps create the kind of evergreen content that will keep your business going for a long time to come.


Find your next steps to getting booked on a podcast with the Podcast Quiz 

About Christina

Christina Lenkowski is a forward-thinking podcast publicist and educator for entrepreneurs, speakers and authors looking to expand their credibility and go from “best-kept secret” to “go-to expert” in their industries through being a guest on other people’s podcasts.

In 2019, after 13 years working in the PR realm, Christina discovered what being a guest on podcasts did for her online-based business — since then she’s dedicated her work to helping other business owners, particularly women, see the same kind of results.

She’s been a guest on over 30 podcasts, including Her Empire Builder, Proffitt Podcast and Health Coach Nation, and helped her private clients get booked on over 50 top-rated shows, including The Online Business Show with Tyler McCall, The Heather Sager Show and Get Paid with Claire Pelletreau, among others.

Christina lives in Boise, Idaho, USA, with her husband and daughter.

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