There are certain elements that should be included on your website so you can send less emails and get on less sales calles.

Jessica Freeman, web designer and SEO expert at JessCreatives, provides a wealth of knowledge of what you can do to your website so it does a lot of the heavy lifting upfront for you.

Read on for more information about what you can do to improve your website.

Why Your Website Isn't Working For You

A lot of business owners view the creation of a website as a task to check off their list. Once they have a website, they move on to the next thing without auditing their website. But, there are so many things that you could be doing with your website to help your business. 

3 Way to Make Your Website Work For You

Use A Better Contact Form

Your contact form should be more than the basic information that most business owners typically collect. Your contact form should help you filter more of your leads and to get more information up front. It doesn’t needs to be a 25 questionnaire. But if you get that information up front in that initial email, you know what they are looking for and their budget without having to jump on a call  and waste both of your times determining that this person is not a good fit.

A good contact form is also a good way to streamline and cut down on emails. When you think about what makes someone a good fit for your services, it’s usually budget, a certain platform, or whatever specific things you need for your business. Having that information in the contact form can help you weed through those that are not a good fit and possible refer them to someone else.

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Clarify Your Copy

Too many business owners treat their websites like static brochures that includes just a tidbit of information. Instead, if you put more information on your website, it would help people see if you are actually what they’re looking for. 

Obviously, you can’t answer or anticipate every single question out there, but likely, you don’t have enough information on your website. This might be in part of the push to get people on sales calls because you can convert people on the sales call. But people value transparency. Good copy converts so give them the information  they need. If you have to convince someone to work with you, it’s probably a sign it’s not a good fit. 


Have Your Prices on the Website

Having your proces on your website is saving time because people will not inquire if it’s not in their budget right now. Also, people are allowed to budget, providing starting price – or even a range if you provide custom packages – is helpful for potential clients to determine if they want to work with you.

About Jessica

Jessica Freeman is an Atlanta-based, award-winning web designer that has been in business for 10 years. Jess helps online business owners build authority and get more clients through their strategic websites and SEO. When she’s not working with clients, you can find her teaching on her YouTube channel and podcast.

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