What are you doing when you’re not launching? Are you nurturing your people? Well, there’s a possibility that  you might be nurturing your people the wrong way. 

Tamika Auwai, a nurture marketing expert, shares how to be intentional with nurturing your people and how you can continue to build relationships with people who haven’t bought your product.

Read on for key gems Tamika shares.

What is nurture marketing?

People think that nurture marketing is making blog posts, social posts, and email marketing. In a loose, abstract way, they’re not wrong; they are doing a form of nurture. But it’s just scratching the surface. Really, people are just putting out stuff to stay visible and valuable.

Nurture marketing is more than posting to post. It takes intentionally. Effective nurture marketing has an intentional strategy to draw folks in and move through their buyer’s journey. When this is done effectively, customers will be stepping into your programs before you launch so that the launch becomes a place for you to fill the remaining spots.

Nurture marketing is more than tactics

When you’re not intentionally nurturing, tactics are used to get people in. All the different tactics – how to make a blog post in five minutes, how to repurpose your blog post or your YouTube into a blog post in ten social posts- are really just about visibility. While there’s nothing wrong with visibility, efficiency is what you need in your business. Creating 365 different pieces of nurture to happen in between your other campaigns will not get you to the goal on time. And the goal is that when you do open the doors, you have people saying, will you let me?


Organic traffic is still a valid tactic for building your audience

Organic traffic is a reliable avenue to grow your audience. The tactics used to gather organic traffic or organic lead generation brings an audience that is a little warmer than they would of paid traffic.  

Everybody wants to put dollars in the Facebook slot machine and hope the things come out right. But what you forget is that when you have listened to someone on a podcast and then go download their freebie, when you’ve heard them on a summit, or seen them at a live event, you have a deeper connection with them than if you see their face on the ads. So you have to think about the different space that someone is in when they click through an ad versus the organic needs.

You have an even greater opportunity to convert with the new leads from organic traffic because they are just a little bit warmer off the top. And so if you swoop in now with a really strong nurture sequence after that, the desire to lean in – the lean in factor where people are almost ready to book a call – is more present. 

It’s not costing you money, but it’s costing you time. Every podcast that you are on, every summit that you participate in, any of those pieces,  it’s time, energy, and attention that you’re spending. So you’d be remiss to not have strategic nurture happening after that, after you put in literal physical time to build that up. Don’t be that leaky bucket and let the leads slip away.

The key to nurture marketing is understanding the problem your customers have

The conversation your prospective client is having in their head keeps them from moving forward with you. You need to show them that you understand what’s going on for them. You understand their problem better than they understand it themselves. Because of that, you can present to them a new perspective that will allow them, if they’re willing, to get support and make that transformation.

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Nurture strategies that work

Getting clear on who your people are

It’s important to get clear on who your people are and what they respond to. Also you have to be fiercely committed to testing what works and what doesn’t and tracking metrics and everything else so that you can make educated decisions about what works for your people. Right? Again, eyes on your own paper.

Adding one to one touch points within your nurture sequence

Staying connected to who you are creating, let’s them know that there’s a human here. This connection could be sending personalized messages, places for people to give feedback, or hitting reply and getting a human response back. 

Growth will occur for those coaches who are willing to have smaller groups and high touch points. People want to be coached, not just on a group call. Those who need true coaching, want a small group atmosphere.

About Tamika

Muse. Magician. Mentor. Marketer. Creative. These are the most common words that precede an introduction to Tamika Auwai. Tamika is the CEO of Orisha Creative, an inventive nurture marketing agency that serves leaders in the online coaching industry. She is also the creator of The Nurture Matrix™, a unique evergreen nurture marketing framework that’s revolutionizing the way Master Coaches approach social media and email marketing, generating millions in premium coaching program sales along the way. Tamika resides on territory originally stewarded by the Mississaugas of the ​Credit First Nations—presently known as Ontario, Canada—with her husband and children. She can often be found swooning over her Spotify Daily Mix in a hot bubble bath or trying to perfect her oyster shucking game.

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