Having the right mindset for your business is important to make more money and grow your business. 

Faith Mariah, a Business Mindset Coach, uses her experience to help women make their first six figures while coaching through mindset issues that arise on that way to six figures.

Read on as she shares why it is important to protect your mindset while you’re growing your business.

Who is a Baby entrepreneur?

A Baby entrepreneur is someone who’s new, or relatively new, to the world of entrepreneurship. As a Baby entrepreneur, there’s a roller coaster that they constantly ride – going up and down about their business. Every 30 minutes they love their business and are excited that it’s working. Then  20 minutes later, they think everybody hates them. 

The mindset tip to help you move from a baby entrepreneur to a boss

You need to separate yourself from your business. You are not your business. There are you as a person, and then there’s results in your business. For example, every business in the world their sales go up and down. That occurs for most businesses. The CEO of Walmart or Walgreens is not sitting there thinking, “oh my God, our sales went down yesterday and I’m a failure. And everybody’s going to know.” No, they look at data and make strategic decisions about what’s happening. And that’s exactly what you need to do too. It’s hard to make strategic decisions when you’re making it mean a bunch of things about you.


How you can guarantee results for my own business and get what I need to move my business forward

Getting rid of thought errors

Thought errors are when you thinking and reality do not match up. One thought error is the idea if you pick the right course, you’ll get results. But if you pick the wrong course, you’re not going to get results. The problem with that is you outsource your results to something outside of you, which basically guarantees you’re going to get mediocre results.

What you want to do is decide ahead of time that you’re going to get the results no matter which course it is.

Not trusting yourself

The “right course, right results” mentality signifies that you don’t trust yourself. If it’s not safe to trust yourself than it means it’s not safe for you to invest in your business because you don’t believe you can guarantee your results. You want to go into a course or a coach thinking you’re going to get extraordinary results and you’ll get exactly what you need.

With this new way of thinking, your results are up to you. When your results are up to you, then you can trust yourself to make decisions and make them quickly. Indecision costs entrepreneurs, especially new entrepreneurs, so much money.


Belief comes before the result

Most people believe it works after the results come. Belief comes before the result is the idea that you are believing in good results before they actually come. Entrepreneurship requires you to believe before there’s evidence which is why most people can’t be entrepreneurs. You don’t have any evidence this business is going to make money. You create the belief with your brain that this is going to work, that I’m going to make this right. I can figure this out. And that’s where you start making money.

The strategy doesn’t matter. All that matters is belief.

Don't let Imposter Syndrome stand in your way

What if Imposter Syndrome is not a problem? Entrepreneurship requires you to take action while being uncomfortable. Imposter Syndrome is just a feeling in your body. When you’re willing to feel any feeling in your body – whether that’s embarrassment, scared, or silly – and move forward, everything will be fine.

A lot of people are trying to manipulate their results and their business to grow a certain way so that they can always feel good. But that is never going to happen because that’s not how business works. 

So, it’s important to name the feeling and feel that feeling so that you can continue to move forward. Why? Because the feeling will eventually go away. What if it’s not a problem to feel like an imposter? What if it’s just a feeling that will eventually go away and not a big deal?

About Faith

Faith Mariah, a no-BS blogging business coach and the host of the Blogging Breakthroughs podcast, is on a mission to teach women how to start earning a 6-figure income online ASAP. Through tough-love coaching and an incredibly supportive community, her Blogging Breakthroughs Mastermind has quickly become one of the blogging community’s fastest-growing & most affordable business coaching memberships for profitable blogs, coaches, and personal brands.