Month: April 2022

  • Business Maturity – Why you should be aiming to get to your next plateau with Michelle Warner

    Hey there. I’m so excited that you’re joining me for the inaugural episode of the Journey to Fans podcast. If we’ve never met, I’m Desola Davis and I’m a customer journey designer. I help online owners design delightful sales experiences that connect them with their raving fan base and turn one-time customers into repeat buyers. […]

  • Consistent Actions – How to grow your business while you’re still figuring it out with Sarah Masci

    Overthinking and taking action can be overwhelming if you think you have to get everything just right before starting. Sarah Masci is a coach for solopreneurs interested in the VIP Day business model and  online business veteran of 17 years. She provides a behind the scenes look at how she kept pivoting her business by […]

  • How to Protect Your Mindset While Growing Your Business with Faith Mariah

    Having the right mindset for your business is important to make more money and grow your business.  Faith Mariah, a Business Mindset Coach, uses her experience to help women make their first six figures while coaching through mindset issues that arise on that way to six figures. Read on as she shares why it is […]

  • Recovering from Online Coaching with Sasha Korobov

    Do you feel like you’ve invested everything online for your business with no real returns? Sasha Korobov, a certified coach and organizational psychology, shares her story about why she decided to get off the hamster wheel of online coaching and why starting from the beginning isn’t as bad as you think it is. Read on […]