When you’re building a business, it’s hard to honor the season that you’re in because you want to do everything you can to be successful.

Megan Williamson, a Pinterest marketing expert and certified business coach, understands that everything in life is a lesson. She shares some lessons she’s learned from the mistakes she’s made in her business, some insight into real-life issues, and what it means to honor the season you’re in.

Read on for key gems from her business story.

Building a workshop on business mistakes

A few people in my Pinterest MArketing group assumed that II did everything right when I was growing my business. When in actuality, I’ve made a ton of mistakes; I just don’t talk about them. Or I just learned to pivot really well because my personality type is a Maverick – when things don’t work out the way I want, I learn and I move forward. 

So I decided to create a workshop where I share all the mistakes I’ve made.

The two mistakes that were costly when creating this workshop

Moving forward too quickly

I hired a Facebook ads expert before I had tested my funnel. I thought that it would be more of a collaborative relationship, but it was a mistake to the tune of $25,000. So it was a business and bottom line lesson. It felt like getting slapped on my hand because I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t ask the right questions when I hired some.

I moved forward when I wasn’t ready. We had not tested and we should not have started running Facebook ads.


Not engaging your audience

I know better so often when I make these mistakes. I had an underwhelming launch because I didn’t build up my email list, I wasn’t regularly emailing my list, or even engaging in the many list-building activities.  Rightfully so because I didn’t bring any new people in.

I tell my clients that it’s your responsibility as someone who’s marketing their business, to understand that you need to bring new people in. You need to nurture them and tell them about what you have and what you do so that when you’re ready to launch, there are new, eager people. 

It’s the same way as if you opened up a Barbershop but kept the lights turned off, but you are peeking outside of your curtains waiting for someone to come in. If no one knows you’re a Barbershop and what service you have or what hours you have, you’re not going to get customers.

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Honoring the season you’re in

When you don’t honor the season you’re in, your mental health starts to plummet. In order to honor your season, you need to understand where you are and what you need to do in both your personal life and in your business to make sure that you’re showing up at 100% because you are not your business. You have so many other things going on and so many other facets in your life that you need to honor.

It’s so important to remember what season you’re in and to continue to take care of yourself to protect the asset, which is you through any season that you find yourself, whether it’s with children, with a new position, new job, or other responsibilities that come up, honor your season and then also learn from any lessons that you encounter when you’re building your business.

About Meagan

Meagan Williamson is a Pinterest Strategist, niche marketing expert, and OG Pinner. Meagan helps overwhelmed and confused business owners learn how to grow their audience with Pinterest. Unlock the power of Pinterest so you can level up and create a constant funnel of leads, sales, and website traffic.