The business you start/have started does not have to be your forever plan. You’re allowed to pivot.⁠

Chelsea Clarke, a website investor and a content monetization strategist, helps people increase the value of their website through affiliate marketing and digital product funnels so they can exit and sell their business for high valuation.

Read on as she shares valuable information about how to make your business marketable and what to consider in your exit strategy.⁠

Paving your own way

When starting a new niche, you may not know where to start or even find people that are already in that lane to help guide you. Learning to pave your own way is not as difficult as it feels.

Lean on what you know

Just because you’re wading into unchartered waters does not mean you can’t lean on what you know. Lean on what you learned in school, what you’ve been reading, and other information you have about the subject matter.

Focus building in the place where your ideal customer is

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be everywhere and on all the things to attract customers. Pick one platform, ideally the place where your ideal customers hang out, and focus on building and creating the helpful content they need. If you focus on that one place, in time, everything else will fall into place.

Create helpful content

Once you’ve figured out where your ideal customers hang out, you need to create helpful content that your audience wants to know. You do this by looking at the data and constantly asking your customers for feedback or what they want so you can provide them with the content that they want.

How to make your business more marketable

Think about your exit strategy now

If you think down the line, you’re not going to be running your business forever, now is the perfect time to consider your exit strategy. Even if you’re just getting started. Create a brand that doesn’t rely on your persona and decide what you share and the type of content you create. This will help you decide how you plan to exit your building and possibly resell it.

Separate your identity from the business

When a buyer comes and looks at your site, they want to envision how they can take it over either by putting themselves on it or running it without having to change anyone. So if your persona is all over the business, start taking steps to separate yourself. Split off the more personal related items to a separate site or domain and the business content stays with the domain that you want to sell. The brand can be its own thing without your name on it and retain your persona for your own brand and not sell that. 

Increase the value of your business.

The thing buyers look at in a business is the revenue. You want to make sure you increase the value of your business so it’s easy to flip. You do this by increasing your website traffic, building a community, increasing your email list, and possibly having social followers. These things all add to the value of your business and it just increases the resale options that you may have.


About Chelsea

Chelsea Clarke is a niche site investor and Business Intermediary, who helps entrepreneurs start, scale and sell their online business. Former waitress turned founder of a 7-figure media company, Chelsea teaches profit-hacking website investing strategies at, and founded the marketplace. At, creators and investors buy and sell unique, profitable niche sites. Chelsea has been featured in Business Insider, CNBC, MSN Money, Yahoo Finance, and Niche Pursuits, and she’s on a mission to help creators make more paper online!

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