You know that saying, “your network is your net worth?” Well, building a strong business network might actually help you increase your revenue. 

Melody Johnson, Process-preneur and founder of the Course Consultant, shares why collaboration is important and how to building your business network.

Read on for more gems on how to build your business network.

Why It's So Important to Build Your Business Network

Collaboration Helps Grow Your Business

Conversation drives connection and connection builds off of your sales, so you get momentum from having more conversations. There’s a misconception in business that you have to build it alone.  But there’s a proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go it together.” The beauty of building a business network is that you can grow together, get more visibility, grow your email list, grow your business sales, and grow in a referral relationship. Then month over month, you start seeing that momentum and business growth.

How To Build Your Business Network

Establish Your Expertise

The first thing you need to do if you want to continue growing your business is to establish your expertise. If you’re in a professional career, people will look at your resume, but when you’re in an online coaching business, or if you have an online course, people will look to their network to refer them to others. 

By establishing your expertise, you start to create a resume of referrals which builds your business network. What that looks like is conversations with other people, explaining your experience and expertise. But it’s also having other people cosign that they know your work and that you’re building a resume of referral together.

Find People with Great Content

To expand your business network, you want to have conversations with people that are creating good content. By looking at people’s content, identifying their audience, who they are serving, and if there’s a relationship with your perspective audience, if there’s an overlap and then also looking to see do they have a referral program will help you narrow done to people who are in alignment with your business.

About Melody

Melody Johnson is the owner and founder of The Course Consultant and Customer Success Show. Having worked with scaling course creators and organizations, she saw a big need for companies to scale their business operations in a sustainable way. An advocate for mental health, she helps owners take vacations and grow their income with her membership Recurring Revenue . Melody has a Masters Degree in Instructional Design and is a Certified Customer Success Manager.

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