You can build a successful business that’s unique to your needs and not based on what everyone else says works. ⁠

Jordan Gill, owner of Systems Saved Me, helps burned out service providers replace their monthly retainers with virtual VIP days. Jordan shares how to build a business that meets your needs. 

Read on as she shares what a VIP day is and how it can help you build a business that supports your needs and wants.⁠

How to build a business that meets your needs

Remember, people will pay for speed

People will pay more money for speed. The book, $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi, shares that the number one thing people love is free and the second thing is speed. For example, people would rather pay extra for Ubereats than go through the process of going to the grocery store, buying ingredients, and then preparing the meal. For your business, people will pay for speed when you’re helping them achieve their transformation faster. 


Develop a VIP day

A VIP day is a four-figure offering that lasts between three and eight hours that help your clients through a three to five-phase system transformation. A VIP day isn’t a strategy session, a power hour, or a pick your brain session. VIP days have a client journey and it’s very clear the path that you will use to help your clients through every single time you work with them. 

VIP days are great because you can build them around your own needs and supports you in the life you want to have. 

How to find the confidence to deliver a transformation worth four figures

Build out your framework

Most people think it’s difficult to deliver a transformation in three to eight hours because they haven’t built out their framework. They haven’t thought about their client journey or the process that it takes from somebody who has no idea who you are to go all the way through the process of your VIP day. 

When you build your framework and see all the value and the full transformation that you’re giving to your client you’ll likely need to double or triple the original price you decided on.

Say your prices over and over again

Once you land on the price for your VIP day, you may not feel confident sharing that pricing with your potential client. A very practical tip is to say the price point as many times as possible. Why? Because the first time you say it, it may sound awkward and like you don’t trust yourself. Practicing saying your pricing builds confidence about your offer and the value you bring.

Free yourself from over delivering during your VIP days

Over delivering is a beautiful desire. And there’s nothing wrong with you wanting to ensure that your clients get the value that they paid for and more. However, over delivering tends to lead to burnout because you are trying to ensure that your clients got every ounce of value they possibly could have ever gotten. 

Think of it as buffets. You get so much food at your disposal for such a low price, you can’t process what you want or how much of it you want. And then you’re full at the end and your stomach hurts. Then you think of restaurants that have a preset menu. They have very intentional appetizers and entrees. People will pay more money for what looks like less food, because of an intentional menu that has been well thought out and put in a specific system or method. 

So that’s exactly how you have to think of your offers – am I just giving them a buffet that will overwhelm them? Or am I going to give them a well thought out experience with each phase of my method and feel really good at the end?


How to find clients ready for your VIP day

Ask people

The simplest way to find clients is to ask. Ask people what they want to be done in a day anywhere you have people to ask – Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, text message, email, etc. Whatever your result is, put ‘done in a day’ at the end of it and ask. People will pay for the problem you solve in whatever capacity that you have been doing because you’ve gotten clients from it. 


You have to find people that have a problem and need it fixed urgently. For example, if someone has to do a red carpet on Friday and today’s Tuesday, they’ll urgently try to figure out how to lose the water weight by tomorrow. How do I get one of those waist trainers? But if that same person is going on vacation to Tahiti in two years, they are not concerned about losing weight urgently and will eat that donut today. 

Urgency is the key. Maybe your clients that you currently have been working with, the urgency isn’t there. They still need the problem solved. But it’s okay if it takes a little bit of a while. There are people who will always want it done faster because people are impatient. So you just have to find the people that the solution is urgent and needs to be solved today. Finding those people where that urgency matters is crucial to VIP day. 


Done in a Day Conference 

About Jordan

Jordan Gill, operations consultant and founder of Systems Saved Me, helps burned-out service providers replace their monthly retainers with virtual VIP Days. Her program Done In a Day™ has supported over 270 students create and sell their first VIP Days. She also has a podcast called Systems Saved Me with over 300 episodes all about how business owners navigate success with systems – of course! She currently lives in Dallas TX with her cavapoo Vivienne and collection of 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzles.

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