Public speaking is a skill that all business owners should be working to strengthen. Speaking is how you show up as the face of your company to speak to the people you serve. ⁠

Jessica Rasdall, host of the Speak to Scale, shares everything you want to know about public speaking for your business including how to write your speech.

Read on as she shares why public speaking is important for your business.

Why is public speaking important for your business?

Speaking is the way that you show up as the face of your company to speak to the people you’ve been called to serve. It should be a skill set that all business owners are working to strengthen. Examples of public speaking for your business are summits, podcasts, live streams, videos, or webinars video series.

Three reasons a business owner should be speaking

For Authority

This purpose is for you to build traction and to be known as the subject matter expert. Here, your main focus is making sure that you’re only speaking on your subject matter. So if you are a social media manager, don’t talk about bookkeeping. This will not help you get the referrals that you want.


For Conversion

The second purpose is for those business owners who are focused on conversion; ready to move people into action. This conversion could be anything like getting your audience to join your email list, join your webinar, or listen to your podcast. The most important thing to focus on is your audience. You want to ensure you’re delivering your speech in front of an audience your offer is designed for.

For Revenue

This third purpose is for the more professional speakers. The people who are doing this as a source of revenue. Here, you will be focused on reaching the audiences that your presentation is designed for while also reaching the audiences that have the budget to pay you. Because if you want to make your entire income off of paid speaking, you can’t be speaking on lineups with 50 other speakers when there’s no speaker budget.

Focusing on impact helps keep you motivated as a speaker

After telling the same story over and over again, you can start to feel bored. But you have to remember that you’re not speaking for your entertainment or enjoyment. Instead, you’re speaking to make a difference for your audience. 

The better you are at delivering your speech, the more it will connect with your audience. This will create a more significant impact without having to stretch yourself so thin for every opportunity because you’ll know exactly what you’re going to say at each of them.

Nothing is boring about making an impact.


About Jessica

Named one of the top small business experts to watch in 2018 and the founder of one of the top websites for solopreneurs in 2020, Jessica Rasdall is helping small business owners scale their impact and income through tried-and-tested communication strategies.  As a Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, and host of The Speak to Scale Podcast, Jessica partners with small business owners to help them scale their business (and impact) from the stage. Jessica has shared her story of turning her “mess into a message” for fifteen years and has been featured on major international media outlets such as ABC’s 20/20, Katie Couric, The Guardian, MTV, Netflix, and many more.  Today, Jessica is fiercely dedicated to helping small business owners craft presentations and speaking strategies that connect with their audience and scale their business from the stage. When she’s not handcrafting presentations for industry experts, she’s homeschooling her children in sunny Florida.

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