You don’t need 1,000 people on your email list to create a successful digital product.⁠ ⁠

Eden Fried, a digital product launch coach, helps creative people turn their passion into an actual, tangible digital product that they can sell and profit from online. She’s here to reassure you that  there’s a place for a digital offer in your product suite and how to create your first digital product. 

Don’t doubt yourself! Anyone can create and launch a digital product

You don’t need a certain size audience to create a digital product

There is a misconception out there that you need at 1,000 followers on your email list to create a product. Spoiler alert: that’s not true. There are so many people with less than 1,000 subscribers that have successfully created a product that’s bringing in money.

You need a product that solves a legitimate problem

Are you going to make six figures from a 100 person email list? No, let’s be realistic here. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make real meaningful money with a small audience. In order to do that, you have to have the right product. If you create a product that solves a problem, you’re going to make money from it. 


Where to start when building a new product

Check your email

When deciding what product to create, you’ll likely find the answer in your inbox. Check your email and look at the questions people are asking you. If you can answer commonly asked questions in a product format, then you’re ready to go.

Ask questions

If you have an email list that you built, no matter how small, all you need is two questions to get ideas for your digital product. Create a form – AirTable, Google Forms, or whatever form system you use – and ask two questions: 

  • What do you need/what is something I could create for you that you need? 
  • What questions do you have about XYZ?

They’re open ended questions so you can get replies that could be the next product you make. If you have a decent size email list, you’ll see a lot of people asking the same questions or asking for the same thing. And that’s your sign that you need to make this product.

Creating a digital product can help you expand your business

You will always have people that can’t afford or aren’t ready to pay for your services. So how do you serve those potential clients? You create a digital product. The digital product can complement your services and create a full service package. 

For example, if your service based business focuses on providing one on one services that cost $2,000 a day, that’s a premium price that many people cannot afford. Offering a course or product that teaches somebody how to do that on their own is a great beginning step to help people accomplish their goals without getting your one on one time. 

If you don’t want to create a course, you could create a resource – for example, a workbook to help along in the process of working with them. You probably have some things on your Google drive that already exists, that you can repackage into something that you sell separately.

The product doesn’t have to be big to make an impact. You could create a $27 product that will make your people’s lives easier. If you create a product that makes your clients’ lives easier, then likely you will make money from that product.


About Eden

Eden Fried ditched paint-suits and law libraries in early 2016 and traded them in for sweat pants and a laptop so she could build a business online. Ever since abandoning corporate America, Eden has successfully built a profitable online business by selling digital products. Fast forward a few years, Eden now teaches other women how to turn their passions into products they can launch online, too. She’s the host of the Rebel Boss Ladies podcast, the founder of Rebel Boss University (a membership community that teaches you how to launch in 90 days), and the founder and host of the Rebel Boss Summit, a twice annual virtual summit for current or aspiring digital product creators. 

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