Treating your email list like a fragile egg that you can’t touch or “bother” is not a great way to treat your subscribers.

Kate Doster, host of the Inbox Besties Podcast and helps ethical entrepreneurs win through email marketing, shares why incorporating moments in email marketing is so important and how to stop imposter syndrome in its tracks.

Don’t let imposter syndrome stop you

Why we struggle with imposter syndrome

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias where people with expertise underestimate their ability while those with limited knowledge overestimate their ability. It’s because the more knowledge you have you realize that there’s so much more to learn about a single subject than anyone could imagine. 

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But is it repeatable?

Another thing contributing to imposter syndrome is second guessing if what you’re sharing is repeatable for someone else. You think, “what if it doesn’t happen for them?”

The key here is: hold space and provide your clients with the resources to give them the knowledge they need. But it’s up to the clients to apply the knowledge to get the same results.

How to combat imposter syndrome

The way to combat imposter syndrome is by showing people your process – what you did or how you made it happen. After that, stop overthinking about what you left out or who knows more about the subject. 

Also, if you are struggling with imposter syndrome, that should be your sign that you’ve got nothing to worry about. If you didn’t have the talent or skills, you wouldn’t know that there’s so much more to know. It’s the signal to you that you know what you’re doing.

Being on my list is a privilege: why growing your email list is so important

Growing your email list is the most important aspect of your business. It comprises the people who want to learn more from you and work with you. But the thing that trips people up is focusing so much on the number of people on your list.

You get so fragile with your list because you don’t want to break it. So you decide not to talk to the people on your list because you don’t want the number to go down. But that’s actually breaking it. The only thing that your email list is good for is the relationship. 

But the people that join your list are lucky that they get to hang out with you. With this attitude, you have the confidence to hit send more on those emails. You are no longer worried about anyone unsubscribing because that just means they weren’t cool enough to sit at your table anyways. Or maybe they are unsubscribing because you already helped them, so they don’t need your help anymore, which is awesome.

People can feel that energy, and they can feel it through the screen. So when they feel your confidence, they’re like, that’s my person. That’s the one that I want to be with.

Incorporating moments in your email copy is a powerful way to communicate with your list

Moments are specific real world examples that you experience that you can incorporate into your email copy for your audience to identify with you. 

With moments, you’re asking yourself, what does building the business of their dreams look like? What does it feel like? How does it happen day to day? 

For example, maybe for your people, building the business of their dreams is going to Whole Foods and getting grass-fed beef and organic raspberries regardless of the season and slapping down their debit card. So, say that in your email. 

The words you’re using is not painting a portrait, you are sculpting a chunk of marble, so you’ve got to start with something rough. 

So change “Are you feeling overwhelmed?” to “Are you tired of starting World War III when you just ask your kid to pick up their socks?” That’s a specific example of moments that you can incorporate into your email copy.

Once you can describe what’s going on not only in their physical world but in their mental world, your leads are just going to hand you their credit card. And now you’ve got testimonials because you’ve shown your people that you know their struggle.

You sprinkle these moments into your copy. It works for headlines, landing pages, sales pages, and launch emails. It works for everything.

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Create an ‘Easy Yes’ offer to help your email list win

An “easy yes” offer is a product that is a low cost item – between $7 to $47 – that people aren’t really going to think that much about. You make sure with your “easy yes” offer that you’re not just giving them an ebook or something they have to work hard to get value from. Give them something like a template, a tool, or something “done for you” that gives them a quick win.

The “easy yes” offer is just one part of the whole solution. You use the offer to show them all of the other avenues on how to get better results.

The offer is an “easy yes” for you because people aren’t getting an all access pass to you. When they see how great the information you provide, then they will want to see what else you have. 


About Kate

Kate Doster is the host of the Inbox Besties Podcast, creator of the Love Your List 2.0 email marketing mega course and is dangerously obsessed with helping ethical entrepreneurs carve out their slice of the interwebs by wooing the hearts (and wallets) open of their small but mighty audiences thanks to fun email marketing and Easy Yes mini-offers.

She believes you don’t need to bleed the alphabet or be a dirty rotten spam face to write emails that jolt subscribers into taking action, gobbling up your paid offers like candy… or kale if that’s your thing.

Connect with Kate all over the internet