Month: May 2022

  • How to Leverage Company Values to Build Customer Loyalty

    Unfortunately, responding to tragedy, uncertainty, or sensitive moments in our community is something we need to prepare for as business owners and leaders. There is a tension…or let’s be real, fear of speaking up when times are uncertain. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I don’t say anything and my customers think […]

  • Why Web Design is Important to Attract and Convert Clients with Christi Cooper

    Are you a little shy when it comes to sharing about your business? Is it possible that the reason that you don’t want to share about your business is because you don’t like the way it looks? Christi Cooper, designer and creative strategist behind Cooper & Heart Creative, shares the important of web design for […]

  • Why Voice of the Customer Research Matters for Your Next Launch with Kim DeGracia

    When launching, we spend so much time focusing on what we’re doing, how we’re showing up, how we are serving our people and what is included in our offer. But sometimes we forget to think about who we are serving. Kim DeGracia, a launch copywriter, shares the importance of voice of customer research. Knowing who […]

  • 5 Surprisingly Easy Customer Personalization Tips that will Boost Your Sales

    Marketing trends show that customer segmentation and customer personalization increases business revenue. People value connection over transaction when they make buying decisions. By segmenting your audience, you can deliver personalized messages to them. Studies currently report that 80% of customers prefer to work with businesses that deliver a personalized experience (Wigzo, NotifyVisitors). The best way […]

  • Why Email Marketing is Simply Building Connections with People with Liz Wilcox

    As you build rapport and relationships with your audience, email writing is easier for you, and your audience will buy from you. But what’s the best way to do that? Liz Wilcox, an email marketer, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how she navigated from a RV Blogger to building her email marketing business by […]

  • The Cost of Disorganization with Ashley Shuler

    Hey there. I’m so excited that you’re joining me for the inaugural episode of the Journey to Fans podcast. If we’ve never met, I’m Desola Davis and I’m a customer journey designer. I help online owners design delightful sales experiences that connect them with their raving fan base and turn one-time customers into repeat buyers. […]