sales to scale SUMMIT speaker PAGE

See below for speaker information and resources to help you get ready for the summit!

Hello! I’m so excited to team up with you on such an amazing project! The Sales to Scale Summit is a 3-day event that will help online entrepreneurs build their digital product sales strategy, triple your monthly income, and confidently scale their business.

On this page, you’ll find all kinds of resources meant to make your life as a speaker as easy as possible and answer any questions you might have. If you run into a question I didn’t answer, email me at

As a speaker, you'll also get free access to the CEO Power Pack!


The event will run from May 27 to May 29, 2020 with up to 5 pre-recorded presentations running each day. The presentations will be posted in the Facebook group at the time they’re scheduled to go live. Each presentation will include on average about 15 minutes of content (with up to a 3-minute pitch) and a worksheet or opt in resource that follows along with or complements the presentation.

In addition to watching the presentations, attendees will be able to hold each other accountable, ask additional questions, and just hang out in the Facebook group. If attendees have good questions while your presentation is going on, you’ll have the opportunity to go live in the Facebook group for a bit of an encore to answer those questions, connect with the attendees, and provide even more value. The additional Facebook live is not required, but highly encouraged.

Leading up to the summit, we’ll have two weeks of promotion. You’ll be provided with email swipe copy, social media swipe copy, and social media graphics to make it all easy! I’ll even have a suggested posting/sending schedule for you to make promo easy to outsource to a VA.

During the promotion phase, as the summit is running, and for a week after the summit is complete, we’ll also be promoting the CEO Power Pack. This includes an All-Access Pass for the replays and worksheets as well as additional bonuses that we’ll all throw in. These resources will provide immense value to our attendees, while making the work of promoting and creating a presentation worthwhile by allowing you to bring in affiliate commissions. Yay!


Here’s a roundup of our key dates:

Basic information: As soon as possible

– Complete Speaker Agreement: As soon as possible

– Presentation: May 12, 2020

CEO Power Pack contribution information: May 5, 2020

– Promotion period: May 11 to May 26, 2020

– Summit dates: May 27 to May 29, 2020

CEO Power Pack cart closes: June 2, 2020

– Affiliate payouts: by July 8, 2020


Let’s hit the highlights first. You can keep scrolling if you want more information, but this short list will give you what you need to get started!

For the sake of clarity, here are your current action steps:

1) Let me know you’re in or schedule a time to chat.

2) Provide your basic information once the link comes through.

3) Schedule your presentation recording (you can do this here if it’s an interview).

4) Look at the presentation guidelines for pointers. Don’t forget to include your opt in link (if you’re adding that). Send over your contribution to the CEO Power Pack by the due date.

5) Schedule email and social media promotion posts using the speaker swipe copy.

6) Let me know if you have any questions up to this point!

Remember to grab your to do list and get things added to your calendar. Because if you’re like me, if it’s not in your calendar it doesn’t exist.


So this all sounds great, but what kind of work does it require of you? Let’s chat about it! My goal is to make this all as easy as humanly possible so we can all have a blast while providing great value and growing our businesses.



The first thing I’ll need is some very basic information from you so I can finish up our registration page and Speakers page.

This information includes things like: Name, Title, Bio, Square Headshot

Once you give me the thumbs up that you’re in, I’ll send you a link where you can upload all this information easily.



Once your presentation has had time to air, you’ll have the opportunity to jump into the Facebook group for an encore and to answer any great questions that weren’t answered in your presentation. (These Facebook lives will also be added to the CEO Power Pack).


Next up is your presentation! This is a 15 to 20-minute pre-recorded presentation that is meant to be more friendly and casual than perfect and structured. We want our attendees to learn something great, while having fun in the process. You can go up to 25 minutes if needed to add more value.

Please structure your content in a way that allows attendees to walk away feeling like they’ve really learned something, rather than a webinar format where they feel like they’re missing something that they need to buy from you ASAP.

With that being said, you have your choice of the following presentation formats:

– Slides

– No slides (just your face to the camera)

– Interview-style (make sure you sign up here if you’d like to interview)

No matter what format you choose, you are free to use your presentation however you’d like in the future.

Your presentation should include great, actionable content. Here’s the suggested format:

1) A quick introduction

2) An overview of your topic

3) Where people go wrong initially in their strategy

4) Teaching section

5) Specific action steps they can take immediately to revamp their sales strategy and scale their business

6) Up to a 3-minute pitch

7) Include questions for attendees to answer in the Facebook group to boost engagement

Presentations are due by May 12,2020.

Find a PDF download with all this info here.


The CEO Power Pack will be a huge addition to the presentations we’re running. To make it even more valuable, I’ll ask each speaker to provide one resource to add. This includes things like:

1) eBooks

2) Workbooks

3) Courses (big or small)

4) 1-month memberships

5) Freebies

Note: I expect this to convert well so I do not recommend contributing any 1:1 offers.

It’s totally up to you to decide whether you’d like to create something new or provide something you already have. While this isn’t required, it’s highly encouraged that you participate.

Information for these resources is due on May 5, 2020.


The power of an online summit comes from a group of experts coming together for a single cause. The joint promotion that happens because of that is a huge benefit to everyone involved.

Because of that, everyone is encouraged to share on social media and to email their lists during the promotion period, starting on May 11, 2020.

You’ll want to share using your affiliate link (which you can create here) so you can get in on the 50% commission that will come from any CEO Power Pack sales.

You’ll find swipe copy and graphics in the Resource Vault below.


While summits are great for overall visibility and making new connections, a little extra income never hurts either, right?

That’s exactly why I’ve set up an affiliate program for the CEO Power Pack where you’ll receive a commission from all sales from traffic you refer to the event. Payouts will be made by July 8, 2020.

The commission structure is 50% for all speakers.

The pricing structure will be:

– $47 for 20 minutes after initial registration

– $77 from cart open to May 18

– $97 from May 19 to May 20

– $127 from May 20 to May 24

To make it as easy as possible for you to generate extra income, the Resource Vault includes things like email swipe copy, social media copy, and social share graphics. However, you’re more than welcome to write your own copy and even run your own Facebook ads.

Just remember to use your affiliate link, which you can create or look up here.

As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience.


Now for those resources I promised to make your life as easy as possible.

In this folder you’ll find the following resources:

– To do list with due dates so you can keep track of everything nice and easily

– Email swipe copy and suggested send dates

– Social media swipe copy and suggestion posting dates

– Social media graphics

And in case you don’t want to dig through a folder, here are direct links:

1) Branding

2) To do list

3) Graphics

4) Email swipe copy

5) Social media swipe copy

Something I missed?

Send me an email at!